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Civil Division

Civil cases involve claims by one party or individual against another for wrongs committed or damages done.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

For information about Alternative Dispute Resolution, view the ADR Information Packet for Modoc County.

Frequently Asked Questions

A civil case is a lawsuit in which one party sues another party. Civil matters include small claims, civil matters, conservatorships, probate, family law, adoption, and juvenile compromises.

A civil case can be filed by a party to:

  1. Enforce a contract or agreement
  2. Collect damages to their person or property
  3. Recover money or property
  4. Protect a civil right

Generally, civil lawsuits are divided into three categories, which are based on the amount of money involved in the lawsuit. Examples of cases that are generally excluded from this are unlawful detainer, juvenile, civil harassment, probate, and family matters. When the dollar amount is under $10,000, it is usually referred to as a Small Claims case. When the dollar amount is less than or equal to $25,000, it is referred to as a limited jurisdiction civil case. When the dollar amount exceeds $25,000, it is referred to as an unlimited jurisdiction civil case. Where can I get help with my civil case? The court staff is available to provide assistance.

Please contact our Self Help Facilitator, Stephen King, at (530) 233-4444 for further assistance.

Ensure all documents are signed, dated, organized, and stapled. The clerk cannot accept copies that are not organized and stapled.

  1. You will need to file with the clerk the original set of documents that are organized, two-hole-punched, and stapled, along with the appropriate number of copies.
  2. Check the Statewide Civil Fee Schedule to be sure you have included the proper filing fees or an Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs.

Yes, you can file documents via fax at the rate of $1.00 per page. The Court still requires the original signature, so original documents together with the appropriate number of copies must be mailed or brought by the court along with the fax filing fee.

Fee waivers are available for qualifying individuals. Please review the Information Sheet on Waiver of Court Fees and Costs for eligibility guidelines.

Yes, contact the Language Access Representative at (530) 233-6516 ext. 1223 for assistance.

Yes, you can request copies through the clerk’s office, either in person or by mail. The average response time is one week from the date the court receives your request.

If you request copies by mail, please include specific information on what it is that you need, the case number, case name, and payment. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to receive copies through the mail. Copies are $0.50 per page (double-sided sheet equals 2 pages).

If you need a document certified, the cost is $40.00 in addition to the per copy fee. Payment may be made by check, cash or money order.

The Law and Motion calendar is typically heard the 1st and 3rd Friday at 10:00 am. Call the Civil Division at (530) 233-6516 ext. 1217 for additional information.

You can make arrangements through CourtCall at 1-888-88COURT (1- 888-882-6878) to make an appearance by phone. Telephonic appearances begin every Monday at 11:00 am.

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